How does the human “fight or flight” response work when you’re being attacked on multiple flanks by two formidable adversaries?
Read the full issue online at NOMA Magazine.
NOMA is actively working on the architecture disparity by building bridges….On the mass incarceration front, this is where we need to get more involved in vetting our elected leaders, which is why being an informed voter is so important. We must look closely at our judges, district attorneys and sheriffs, who all have the authority to move the needle on sentence reform and decreasing incarceration rates. So, where do we go from here? The polls. KIMBERLY DOWDELL, NOMA PRESIDENT
Confronting the Dual Pandemic
Table of Contents
Letter from the President
Editor’s Page
Design Feature: Jamaica House of Parliament
AIA Large Firm Roundtable Update
Mastering the Virtual Workplace
35 Words: Black Space
Meaningful Contributions from NOMA Members: LEED for Diversity
2020 NOMA Foundation Fellowship Inaugural Cohort
SFNOMA Project Pipeline: 10 Years of Design Justice
The Inclusion & Diversity Compendium for Designers
President’s Circle
NOMA Board
NOMA and NOMAS Chapters
NOMA Magazine was originally conceived to address the lack of coverage given to our members by the mainstream architectural press, no matter the excellence of our projects and accomplishments. Thankfully, the profession, led by NOMA, the AIA, and the AIA Large Firm Roundtable has changed course and made significant commitments to move onto a righteous path that is just, equitable, diverse and inclusive. R. STEVEN LEWIS, NOMA MAGAZINE EDITOR